Helen Lee Worthing
As a teenager, 1920, Helen received a prize for having the most perfect hands and arms in Louisville, Kentucky. Two years later in NY, 1922, judges unanimously selected her as "the most beautiful woman in America" in a contest that had 10,000 entrants. She was married to Jack McDonald in 1917? according to the newspaper article of 1922. Helen Worthing became a Ziegfeld Folly in 1921, aged 16

1922 Newspaper article (South Bend News-Times 16 Apr 1922, Sun. Pg 34) implying Helen Lee Worthing was married to Jack MacDonald in 1917, which makes Helen Worthing 12 years old at the time (if the brith records of 1905 are accurate) or if Helen was truthful, or if the reporter was truthful. The wikipedia entry has her marriage to Jack listed as 1921 till 1922 even though they have been known to have been together since at least since 1919. A mystery.

image #83 donated to the library of congress, taken in 1922 by Alfred Cheney Johnston

image #91 donated to the library of congress, taken in 1922 by Alfred Cheney Johnston

1922 by Alfred Cheney Johnston